EA4D - eBay APIs for Delphi

Order ebay API for Delphi

Active registered users have access to free email support services and updates for a year.
updates are provided free of charge through the files or SVN repositories (source licenses)
Licenses are for commercial usage and royalty free use of the components in applications.

Upon registration, the registered version of the software can be obtained from our website. A login code is provided to login on the registered users pages of our website from where future free updates can be obtained.

If support is needed, please contact us at support@ea4d.com and provide, if possible, a small example of the encoutered issue.
Please note, that we actually don't do eBay support, they do have their own platform.

After a year and if the product is not renewed, support will be billed 64€/Hour.

EA4D-T Trial Edition !
Fully fledged SDK, works in IDE Only
For Delphi 6 to athens 12.1

No source code
Free updates
Limited support

NO Source, 1x Developer

One Developer Only
From Delphi 6 to Athens 12.1
No Source code nor SVN access provided
Free updates and support (latest) for one year



Traditional APIs Licenses 

Using EA4D-T, your application can provide a custom interface, functionality or specialized operations not available in the ebay interface.

Source, 1x Developer

One Developer Only
From Delphi 6 to Athens 12.1
Source code and SVN access provided
Free updates and support (latest) for one year


Source, 3x Developers

Up to 3 Developers
From Delphi 6 to Athens 12.1
Source code and SVN access provided
Free updates and support (latest) for one year


Source, Site

Unlimited Developers, Company wide
From Delphi 6 to Athens 12.1
Source code, SVN access provided
Free update and support (latest) for one year


RESTfull APIs Licenses


ebay RESTful APIs are the NEW front door to ebay's global marketplace platform. 

Source, 1x Developer

One Developer Only
From Delphi 10.3 to Athens 121
Source code and SVN access provided
Free updates and support (latest) for one year


Source, 3x Developers

Up to 3 Developers
From Delphi 10.3 to Athens 12.1
Source code and SVN access provided
Free updates and support (latest) for one year


Source, Site License

Unlimited Developers, Company wide
From Delphi 10.3 to Athens 12.1
Source code and SVN access provided
Free updates and support (latest) for one year


Post-Order API Addon

Unlimited Developers, Company wide
From Delphi 10.3 to Athens 12.1
Source code and SVN access provided
Free update and support (latest) for one year


EA4D Site Bundle 

+ Post-Order API + Priority Support

Unlimited Developers, Company wide
From Delphi 6/10.3 to Athens 12.1
Source code, SVN access provided
Free updates and PRIORITY support for one year


     Need Help?

Product delivery

All products are delivered in electronic form.  Upon purchase, you will receive a key by email to login on our website from where products can be downloaded.  As there is no shipping of physical media, there are no shipping costs. Make sure that the email address used to order does not blacklist, block or filter our email address. 

Orders paid by credit card should be delivered within 24 hours. If a registration key is not received within 24 hours, please contact EA4D software. For orders paid by international bank wire transfers, please take account such payment can take 2 to 3 business days. 

EA4D-T Free Edition !!!
Ebay's sandbox only
For Delphi 6 to Alexandria 11.3

No source code
Free updates
Free support

Start Now

Free EA4D-Traditional APIs
Trial Edition, Fully Fledged,
SandBox & Production worldwide
For Delphi 6 to 11.3
Free Support !
> Works in IDE only <

Get Started